Monday, May 09, 2011

From Friends to Lovers

I am 10 years his senior. My girlfriend and I were in this photography club and one day, she brought him with her. They knew each other through another friend. Since then, the three of us became best friends. We spent a lot of time hanging out, doing crazy stuffs.

Gradually, it was more than just company that we enjoyed. Between me and him, we started talking privately. We texted each other everyday and he would share his problem in the relationship he was in. Eventually, he broke up with her because he fell in love with someone else. And that someone else was me.

One night, I went out with my girl friend for a drink. I've decided to tell her about me and him. When I've got her to guess, she mentioned every single guy that we knew except him. After a while, when no one else was left, she looked at me seriously and mouthed his name. I nodded and her reaction was unexpected. It was tears. It came rolling down her cheek and she questioned me "so you are the third party? all these while and you didn't tell me?!" The night ended.

Soon, we became official. Everyone were against it. With the age difference, with me being the third party issue, no one was supportive. Despite the discouragement, I didn't wanna end. No one has treated me the way he did. I was special to him and I felt special. We pressed on even his family was against it. We pressed on though all my friends warned me to be careful.

Now, we are together for 3 years. And guess what, we are even going to get married soon though his family has yet to accept me. My girl friend smiled and said he was the worst and best thing that could have happened to me. I'm happy that i'm marrying my best friend.

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